
C++17 STL Cookbook Notes

Chapter 1 The New C++17 Features

1.1 structured bindings

  • Structured bindings can be used to unpack pair, tuple, struct and even array of fixed size.
  • Before C++17, there is a std::tie which has similar functionality. What’s more, combined with std::tie, we can use std::ignore to represent a placeholder for uninterested field.

1.2 if and switch with initializers

  • Define variables which will only be used in if scope in the if-initializer:

    if (auto it = m.find(c); it != m.end()) {
    // ...
    // it is not available now

    the same with switch statement.

  • Essentially, it’s just a syntactic sugar of

    auto it = m.find(c);
    if (it != m.end()) {
    // ...

1.3 bracket initializer with auto

  • When using bracket initializer to initialize an auto object, here comes the rule:
    • auto var {arg} deduces var to be the same type with arg
    • auto var {arg1, arg2, ...} is invalid and doesn’t compile
    • auto var = {arg1, arg2, ...} deduces var to be std::initializer_list<T> if all args have the type T.

1.4 class template argument deduction (CTAD)

  • With CTAD, we can define a class template without specifying template arguments if the constructor arguments can help deduce them:

    std::pair my_pair (123, "abc");       // std::pair<int, const char*>
  • Actually compiler has implicit deduction guides, which sometimes cannot satisfy our requirement:

    template <typename T>
    struct sum {
    T value;

    template <typename ... Ts>
    sum(Ts&& ... values) : value{(values + ...)} {}

    sum s {1, 2, 3, 4};

    Compiler cannot deduce T from argument list Ts: int, int, int, int, so we need a explicit deduction guide:

    template <typename ... Ts>
    sum(Ts&& ... ts) -> sum<std::common_type_t<Ts...>>;

    to help compiler perform the deduction.

  • (reference)[https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/class_template_argument_deduction]

1.5 constexpr if

  • Different from #if, all branches in constexpr if have to be syntactically well-formed (but not necessarily semantically valid).

1.6 inline variables

  • Declare variables as inline to avoid multiple definition error during link stage:

    class process_monitor { 
    static const inline std::string standard_string
    {"some static globally available string"};

    inline process_monitor global_process_monitor;

    which makes it easier to develop header-only library.

1.7 fold expressions

  • Use fold expressions to calculate on arguments of variadic template in a single line of code.

  • Note that fold expressions can not only work on arguments pack itself, but also expression including the pack:

    template <typename T, typename ... Ts>
    bool insert_all(T &set, Ts ... ts)
    return (set.insert(ts).second && ...);

    In another word, it can be considered that because ts is a pack, the whole set.insert(ts).second also becomes a pack.

Chapter 2 STL Containers

  • erase-remove idiom: std::remove just move around elements in the container and return the new end iterator so we need to invoke erase method again to erase in fact those elements after the new end iterator:

    v.erase(remove_if(begin(v), end(v), odd), end(v));
  • if the order of a vector doesn’t matter, when deleting an item by index or iterator, we can overwrite it with the last item and then erase the last one, so the deletion is O(1)

  • compared to operator[], we can use at method to perform bound check, and the price is a negligible performance loss.

  • use lower_bound to get the right position for a new item in a sorted container and then perform insertion to keep it always sorted

  • after C++17, we can use try_emplace method of map to try inserting an entry into a map, that’s to say, if the key exists, the inserted object won’t be constructed, which saves really much time for us, compared to old insert and emplace.

  • insert method of map provides an overload which takes an iterator as a hint to denote the position where the inserted item should be. If the hint is correct (this can be easily checked through whether the newly inserted item and the hint is direct neighbor), insertion performance can be improved.

  • it’s a fact that type of key in a map is const, so we cannot directly change it. However, after C++17, map supports extract method to extract (remove and get) a node from map, whose key method returns a non-const reference to key of the node. so we can modify that and then reinsert it to map without any performance penalty (especially heap allocation)

  • actually std::unordered_map‘s complete definition is:

    class Key,
    class T,
    class Hash = std::hash<Key>,
    class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>,
    class Allocator = std::allocator< std::pair<const Key, T> >
    > class unordered_map;

    if Key is a custom type, we can provide Hash in two ways:

    • specialize std::hash for our type
    • specify Hash template parameter explicitly
  • std::istream_iterator takes a template parameter as token type and a std::istream as the source stream. it supports two operations: 1) *it to get the current token from the stream (equivalent to cin >>) and 2) ++it to jump to next token.

    std::insert_iterator performs kinda like iterator but when assigning value to the element it points to, it inserts a new value. use std::inserter to get a std::insert_iterator, it takes two arguments: the container and the iterator pointing to where the new element should be inserted.

    set<string> s;
    istream_iterator<string> it {cin};
    istream_iterator<string> end;
    copy(it, end, inserter(s, s.end()));
  • move entries in a map into a vector for sorting by value instead of key:

    map<string, size_t> words;
    vector<pair<string, size_t>> word_counts;
    move(begin(words), end(words), back_inserter(word_counts));

    use back_inserter here because std::vector has only push_back but no push_front.

  • std::priority_queue is also an container adapter, which wraps on std::vector by default. and priority queue is logically implemented by heap.

Chapter 3 Iterators

  • it’s recommended to declare constructor which create a type from another type as explicit to avoid implicit type conversion.

  • to make our own iterators compatible with STL algorithm, we need to activate iterator trait functionality for it, i.e. specialize std::iterator_traits for our own iterator class and populate some type definitions like iterator_category, value_type and so on.

  • something like std::insert_iterator and std::istream_iterator is called iterator adapter, it can wrap an object into an iterator which can perform some special operation on the object when dereferenced, assigned, increased or whatever.

  • use std::make_reverse_iterator to get rbegin from end.

  • since C++17, there is no constraint that begin and end iterator should be the same type in range-based loop syntactic sugar, so we can use a iterator sentinel as end iterator when it’s not that easy to determine a real end iterator.

  • gcc (and clang) provides some sanitizers to check whether STL iterators are correctly used. enable these sanitizers by passing some flags during compilation.

  • std::valarray (since C++98) supports element-wise mathematical operations.

    range in C++20 can make cpp code more function-programming like.

Chapter 4 Lambda Expressions

  • since C++14, we can initialize new variables in the capture list like this:

    [count = 0] () mutable { return ++count; }
  • lambda without capturing any variable has the same (more precisely, not the complete same, just convertible) type with corresponding function pointer, but those which has non-empty capture list cannot be represented by function pointer:

    int a;
    std::vector<void (*)(int)> v;
    v.push_back([](int) {}); // ok
    v.push_back([a](int) {}); // error

    so std::function comes into play.

  • std library has provided some logical conjunction functor for us like std::logical_and<>.

Chapter 5 STL Algorithm Basics

  • by default, std::is_sorted will return false for vector with descending elements like 3, 2, 1.

  • we can provide comparison function whose signature has form like bool(const T&, const T&) as the third argument of sort algorithm. note that this function shouldn’t have any side effect.

  • std::remove and std::replace algorithms have their _copy counterpart which leave the source container unaltered.

  • std::copy and std::transform could have source iterator and destination one of different types. e.g. copy elements to stdout:

    copy(begin(vs), end(vs), ostream_iterator<string>{cout, "\n"});
  • std::binary_search and std::equal_range (also std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound) use binary search on the container so the elements are required to be sorted.

  • std::minmax_element and std::clamp can be useful.

  • since C++17, we can provide searcher for std::search algorithm, which might bring some performance improvement.

  • C++17 provides a std::sample to sample limited number of elements from a long container.

Chapter 6 Advanced Use of STL Algorithms

  • logical_not just negates a variable (i.e. !var) while not_fn creates a new function whose return value is always reversed compared to the original function. in a word, these two are completely different.
  • std::unique remove repetitive adjacent elements in a container by default, note that a erase-remove idiom is needed when invoking std::unique.

Chapter 7 Strings, Stream Classes, and Regular Expressions

  • std::basic_*streams are templates that can be specialized for different character types and std::*streams are those specialized for char

  • iostream inherits from istream and ostream, so it combines both input and output capabilities.

  • there are two ways to initialize a string:

    string a { "a"  };
    auto b ( "b"s );

    note that the former C-style one embeds the string literal in the binary and then copy it to construct a string while the latter creates a string on the fly.

  • in order to reference the underlying string instead of copying, we can use string_view:

    string_view c { "c"   };
    auto d ( "d"sv );
  • we cannot assume string_view is null-terminated.

  • std::string::npos is equal to size_t(-1), which is a very large number

  • use s >> std::ws to filter out the leading whitespaces when reading a stream

  • cin >> x‘s result can be converted into a bool value which indicates whether the reading is successful, if not, we can use cin.clear() and cin.ignore() methods to recover cin to normal working state.

  • stream object has an internal buffer which can be accessed and altered with rdbuf() method.

  • actually basic_string has three template parameters: the first is character type, the second is char_traits and the third is allocator. char_traits determines some behavior of the string, e.g. how the strings copy or compare. so we can inherit from std::char_traits and customize our own string type.

  • stream format flags (affected by manipulator) can be accessed and altered with flags() method

Chapter 8 Utility Classes

  • C++17’s structural binding (for unpack tuple) is very useful though, we can use std::apply to not only unpack a tuple easily but then invoke a callable with the variables just unpacked automatically.

  • we can provide a custom deleter for unique_ptr and shared_ptr. however for unique_ptr, this will change its type because the deleter type is the second template parameter of unique_ptr while for shared_ptr it’s not the case: shared_ptrs with different deleters still share the same type, that’s because shared_ptr hides this information in the control block. while unique_ptr promises to be overhead free at runtime so it has no such control block.

  • we can event create a shared_ptr pointing to a member instead of the entire object:

    auto sperson (make_shared<person>("John Doe", 30));
    auto sname (shared_ptr<string>(sperson, &sperson->name));

    in such case, sname also contributes to the reference counter of the *sperson object.

  • to generate a random value, we first need to construct a random number generator (engine), and then just call it as a callable. At the most time, std::default_random_engine is enough.

  • to get a series of data shaped by some distributions, we can first construct a distribution and then invoke it with a random number engine to get a shaped value.

    auto distro = uniform_int_distribution<int>{0, 9};
    default_random_engine e; // can seed the engine here also, e.g. e{random_device{}()};
    auto randome_value = distro(e);

Chapter 9 Parallelism and Concurrency

  • since C++17, some STL algorithms add an overload which takes an execution policy as the first parameter. there are three policies in std::execution namespace: sequenced_policy, parallel_policy and parallel_unsequenced_policy. the first two is easy to understand while the third one allows for vectorization, which is kinda like loop unrolling.
  • use time command to measure how long a binary ran for.
  • when it comes to modern C++ locking, there are two kinds of classes: mutex and lock (lock_guard<mutex>, the simplest).
  • scoped_lock can take multiple mutexes in its constructor, which could be used to avoid deadlock.
  • use std::call_once to ensure that a specific function will only be executed once.
  • when using std::async with std::launch::async policy, note that the returned future from async call will block at its destructor, so if you write something like async(launch::async, f) without save its value, it will actually block here until execution of f completes.

Chapter 10 Filesystem

  • with C++17 filesystem library, traverse a directory is extremely simple:

    for (const directory_entry &e : directory_iterator{dir}) {
    // do something

    instead, use recursive_directory_iterator to traverse recursively to subdirectories.

Author: Gusabary
Link: http://gusabary.cn/2021/03/22/C++17-STL-Cookbook/
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