
Concurrency with Modern C++ Notes 1: Memory Model

Chapter 1 Memory Model

1.1 Basics of the Memory Model

  • A memory location is:

    • an object of an scalar type (arithmetic type, pointer, enumeration type or std::nullptr_t)
    • or the largest contiguous sequence of bit fields not including zero length.

    the second case seems to be hard to understand, ok, first we should know about what bit fields are.

  • Typically bit fields are structs with members declared to hold bit-wise size, e.g.

    struct S {
    unsigned char b1 : 3;
    unsigned char : 0;
    unsigned char b2 : 6;
    unsigned char b3 : 2;

    so what does the :0 of the second fields mean? It means the next field should start from a new byte and :0 can only appear as a nameless field. So the memory of the struct would look like below:

    byte0    byte1
    <-> <----><>
    b1 b2 b3
  • Ok let’s go back to the definition of memory location, “the largest contiguous sequence of bit fields not including zero length“ means the bit fields segment that separated by the zero-length field, which is to say, in the above example, b1 is a memory location while b2 and b3 holds another memory location.

    Also, it’s safe to say that adjacent bit fields share the same memory location.

  • With the understanding of memory location, we can say that if two threads access the same memory location simultaneously, there will be a race condition. Of course we have two approaches to solve this: all-or-nothing (atomic operation) and before-or-after (lock).

1.2 The Contract

  • There are three levels of contracts / rules in C++, from strong to weak: single threading, multi-threading and atomic.
  • Inside the Atomic rules, there are three memory models, from strong to weak: sequential consistency, acquire-release semantic and relaxed semantic.
  • The strong or weak is to say as programmers, we are sure or uncertain about the control flow, execution sequence or something like that.

1.3 Atomics

  • Sequential consistency guarantees that

    • instructions are executed in the order they are written down,
    • and there is a global order of all operations on all threads (imagine that there is a global clock, whenever it ticks, an operation is executed and seen by all threads).

    Acquire-release sematic guarantees that threads are synchronized only at some specific points.

    Relaxed semantic makes few guarantees.

  • We can specify which memory order to adopt when using atomic operations. Sequential consistency is the default behavior.

  • std::atomic_flag is an atomic boolean, which has two states: set and clear. It provides two methods: clear and test_and_set.

    std::atomic_flag is the only lock-free atomic. It can be used in some std::atomics, whose is_lock_free method will return true.

    Compared to mutex (switch to another thread, passive waiting), std::atomic_flag can be used to implement spinlock (waste CPU cycles, active waiting).

  • In contrast with std::atomic_flag, std::atomic provides load and store methods. std::atomic<bool> and std::atomic<user-defined type> have the most limited methods, std::atomic<T*> extends from that and std::atomic<arithmetic type> extend from std::atomic<T*>.

    Also, std::atomic provides CAS operations: compare_exchange_strong and compare_exchange_weak

  • std::atomic<user-defined type> could be applied for classes that satisfy some requirements, such as no user-defined copy assignment operator, no virtual methods, etc.

    std::atomic<T*> and std::atomic<arithmetic type> extend more methods such as ++, fetch_*, etc.

  • std::atomic has no copy constructor and copy assignment operator, but they support an assignment from and an implicit conversion to the underlying type

  • For some reasons such as compatibility with C, there are also some free atomic functions, which accept a pointer to std::atomic as the first argument. However, there is an exception: std::shared_ptr.

    std::shared_ptr needs atomic operations because it by definition cannot guarantee thread safety when different threads write to the same std::shared_ptr at the same time.

    std::shared_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_shared<int>(2011);

    for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    std::thread([&ptr] {
    // ptr = std::make_shared<int>(2014); // not thread-safe
    auto localPtr = std::make_shared<int>(2014);
    std::atomic_store(&ptr, localPtr); // thread-safe

    Moreover, std::atomic can also apply for std::shared_ptr since C++20.

1.4 The Class Template std::atomic_ref (C++20)

  • Before getting close to std::atomic_ref, I think we should first know about std::ref. std::ref is a, umm, free function which returns a std::reference_wrapper<T>. That is what really matters.

    std::reference_wrapper is essentially a class template. Its instantiated class has sizeof of 8, in another word, it holds just a pointer as member (so it seems more reasonable to be pointer wrapper?).

    It can be converted implicitly or with get method to reference of the underlying type.

    Different from the raw reference, it can be rebind with operator=, so it’s by definition copyable and assignable.


  • Now things are clear, std::atomic_ref is atomic version of std::ref. Similar to std::atomic, std::atomic_ref also has extended methods for T* partial specialization and more extended methods for arithmetic full specialization.

1.5 The Synchronization and Ordering Constraints

  • C++ provides six variants of memory ordering, among which the default is std::memory_order_seq_cst. One thing worth noting is that what can be configured with those memory ordering variants is atomic operation instead of atomic data type itself.

  • Let’s introduce the six memory orderings. First we should know the fact that there are two kind of atomic operations: read and write (of course, there is a read-modify-write, but we can regard it essentially as a read plus a write). Each operation has an attribute indicating its memory model (the attribute has five possible values: SeqCst, Acquire, Consume, Release and Relaxed), to be more precise:

    read write
    sequential consistency SeqCst SeqCst
    acquire-release semantic Acquire, Consume Release
    relaxed semantic Relaxed Relaxed

    From the table, we can say, for example, if an atomic read operation has an attribute of SeqCst, it’s memory model is sequential consistency; if an atomic write operation has an attribute of Relaxed, it’s memory model is relaxed semantic.

    Ok that’s the mapping from attribute (which is a concept I construct) to memory model, so how about the one from the memory ordering (std::memory_order_*) to the attribute?

    The answer is simple, each memory ordering gives corresponding attribute contained in its name:

    read write
    std::memory_order_seq_cst SeqCst SeqCst
    std::memory_order_acq_rel Acquire Release
    std::memory_order_release (for write) Relaxed Release
    std::memory_order_acquire (for read) Acquire Relaxed
    std::memory_order_consume (for read) Consume Relaxed
    std::memory_order_relaxed Relaxed Relaxed

    Note that if you specify std::memory_order_release (which is designed for write operation) in an atomic read operation (load), the actual memory model applied will be relaxed semantic.

  • Now we have already know the relations between memory ordering and memory model. It’s time to get closer to each kind of memory model. Wait, before that, we should tweak our mind about the atomic read and write operations:

    • read is not just a single read, it’s actually a potential sync plus a read,
    • write is not just a single write, it’s actually a write plus a potential flush.

    Let’s take a deep insight into that by inspecting memory models.

  • Different memory models have different details about the sync and flush:

    • In sequential consistency memory model, the sync is to sync from system while the flush is also to flush to system;
    • In acquire-release semantic memory model, the sync is to sync from what the release thread has flushed to system, while the flush is to flush to system;
    • In relaxed semantic memory model, there is no sync or flush.
  • Above is the discussion about the variable visibility, how about the execution order?

    My perspective is that if some variables need flushing, they should be evaluated first so the order is guaranteed; while if they don’t need flushing, the evaluation can be delayed and they can be reordered across the boundary built by atomic operation.

    The condition for sync is similar. If sync is to happen, the statements behind the atomic operation should not be reordered up, otherwise the synced variables would get polluted.

  • About the Consume attribute, there is something to point out:

    • Consume attribute leads to, umm, more precisely, consume-release semantic memory model, in which the sync is to sync the dependent variables among what the release thread has flushed to system, which is a little bit weaker than acquire-release semantic;
    • However, in the present stage, consume-release semantic just lives in the C++ standard. It seems that compilers map std::memory_order_consume to std::memory_order_acquire.
  • reference

1.6 Fences

  • Fences are memory barriers, which prevent that operations in both side cannot be reordered through it.

    There are three kinds of std::atomic_thread_fence: full fence, acquire fence and release fence. To be more specific, full fence can prevent reorder of all combinations of load and store operations, except store-load; acquire fence cannot prevent reorder of store-* while release fence cannot prevent reorder of load-*.

  • So how about the relation between atomics and fences. Generally speaking, fences need no atomics and they are more heavyweight.

    My understanding of the heavyweight is that fences prevent reorder of more operation combinations than atomics with the same memory ordering. Take std::memory_order_acquire for an example, atomic with this memory order guarantees that read and write operations cannot be reordered before an atomic load while fences also guarantee that load operations cannot be reordered after, which is a bidirectional limit.

    With the fences, atomic load and store operation with acquire/release memory model can be replaced by ones with relaxed semantic:

    // atomics
    ptr.store(p, memory_order_release);

    // fences
    ptr.store(p, memory_order_relaxed);
  • For synchronization between signal handler and the code running in the same thread, std::atomic_signal_fence should be used. It seems that std::atomic_signal_fence emits fewer hardware fence instructions than std::atomic_thread_fence since it synchronizes instructions in the same thread.

Author: Gusabary
Link: http://gusabary.cn/2020/10/29/Concurrency-with-Modern-C++-Notes/Concurrency-with-Modern-C++-Notes-1/
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